Right now I am holding my Bible and looking for the Gospel today. The Gospel is about God and possessions from Matthew 6:24-34.
This morning I woke up at around 9:30 and easily took a bath for me to catch up the 10 am mass in Antipolo Cathedral. I am privileged to catch up the mass and hear the words of God. The mass presider is Fr. Joselito.
Before I go inside the church, I talked to God and ask Him to please help me to be empowered through His words. I was so down and depressed the previous weeks. I felt that I was away from God and I just followed my own will and desires. Now, there are a questions that are playing in my mind. "Am I still following God's will for me? Am I worthy to talk to Him and to hear His words?".
There's a dryness in my heart. I want my heart to be nourished and to lit the wick for me to feel the fire again. My passion was burnt out. I just followed my will and just take for granted the blessings that God had given to me.
While inside the church, the responsorial Psalm struck me for it is all about confidence in God's protection. "He alone protects and saves me. He is my defender". This is what I'm waiting for. God really speaks! I felt that the Holy Spirit interceded to me and helped me to hear and absorb the word of my Lord. Indeed, God regained my confidence to Him because of His words and promise that He alone will save and protect me from harm, danger and unseen battle with evil.
The Gospel today helped me to understand that I need to trust God in my life. We can't deny that we always worry for what we will face tomorrow and forget about the things that we should do today. We worry because of lack of trust and confidence. Don't you know that worry is useless? Yes! WORRY IS A USELESS ACTION. As what Padre Pio said "Worry is useless, pray and trust in God". Never worry because God is always on our side. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Don't worry for tomorrow, don't you know that TODAY is what you worry yesterday? "So do not start worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. there is no need to add to the troubles each day brings".
Today I've just realized that I need to trust the Lord with all my heart, mind, strength and soul. Let us allow God to guide our life to our way to success. Allow Him to do His will for your life. God always bestow gifts and blessings to us. Again, always TRUST IN THE LORD, ALLOW HIS WILL FOR YOUR LIFE AND BE CONFIDENT TO HIM FOR HE WILL BESTOW MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU AND TO YOUR FAMILY.
"So do not start worrying...."- JESUS.