Today is the day that I have packed all my things for my UK thingy summit.
I'm readyy excited ! My stomach turned upside down because of excitement. Anyway, I don't know what lies ahead in the Global Youth Summit but all I know are... I will learn more things there and will develop my communication skills.
I'm excited to meet young people around the world and to know what they are fighting for. The delegates for that foryum have our own advocacies in life. Some are fighting for children's right, education, gender equality, environment and etc.
What made me more excited is that, I together with other two Filipino youth will represent our cuntry in the summit. I think this is the first time of the British Council Philippines to have 3 representatives for the annual global youth summit. Although there were six who have attended the first Asian summit.
Another thing that I want to share is I didn't attend my classes for me to be able to read some articles to have knowledge to my assigned topic. Tomorrow I need to go to the BC office around 9 am (Colleen was the reason why I need to go to BC office. Because she was the one who arranged the time. hahaha) and our flight is 5 pm. So see how long will take for us to wait.... I hate waiting but it's okay hahaha.
So much for today. Hope our flight tomorrow will be safe and memorable. May God bless our trip and our families.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I got one of the sweetest message today...
God can speak to us in many ways. This was the lesson that I have learned today. I can say that I was inspired with our RE class today for I got lots of messages that really struck my mind and heart.
First, Choose to let go and live your life.
Letting go doesn't mean that you are already retreating or surrendering. It means that we need to allow God's plans to happen. Well, not all the things that are happening to our life are really part of God's plan sometimes it is really us who makes our plan and we tend not to listen to God's guidance and words. Life is full of choices. We just need to be smart in choosing what we really need and want for our life. In my case I just choose what I know what God really wants me to choose. I choose to be simple yet striving hard to achieve my goals in life. After we have chosen what we want it's already our obligation to live with it and to share it to other people around us.
Second one is, I SERVE NOT FOR MY OWN SAKE BUT AS MY OWN WAY TO SAY THANK YOU TO THE LORD. We must serve genuinely and voluntarily. We not need to serve for honor, awards, recognition and etc. but we are serving because it's our own way to say THANK YOU. "THANK YOU LORD FOR ALLOWING ME TO LIVE WITH A PURPOSE (MISSION)".
Lastly, God delays are not God's denials. Today I just received the letter regarding my AYLC application and I passed the two screenings and I am now heading to the interview on the 24th. This is what I want to achieve when I was still in second year when I met an AYLC alumni member during the first TPSLC that I have attended last 2010. I thank God for always answering my prayers and the prayers of the people who are supporting me all through out.
Not only that, I got my letter to the President's office around 2 pm and as I read the letter there is a hand written note in the letter...It was one of the sweetest and humble note that I have ever read. The note was written by Sister Nilda. "Congratulations! We are proud of you! This is another feather on your cap! More Blessings!
It was very humbling that the President of the University is really proud of me in representing our school. I was really happy to receive this kind of note and I was motivated to give my best not only for my family, school but also for God. Anyway, all the achievements that I got this year is because of GOD. THIS IS FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF THE LORD.
What a beautiful day I have. Lord, thank you for the wonderful blessings in life. Please grant my prayer to be one of the top 80 students who will join the 2012 AYLC on February. Please guide also my parents to be strong in facing dificulties in life and please bless also those people who supported me in all these achievements in life. Lord please grant all our request.Help us to become a blessing to other people. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. :)
First, Choose to let go and live your life.
Letting go doesn't mean that you are already retreating or surrendering. It means that we need to allow God's plans to happen. Well, not all the things that are happening to our life are really part of God's plan sometimes it is really us who makes our plan and we tend not to listen to God's guidance and words. Life is full of choices. We just need to be smart in choosing what we really need and want for our life. In my case I just choose what I know what God really wants me to choose. I choose to be simple yet striving hard to achieve my goals in life. After we have chosen what we want it's already our obligation to live with it and to share it to other people around us.
Second one is, I SERVE NOT FOR MY OWN SAKE BUT AS MY OWN WAY TO SAY THANK YOU TO THE LORD. We must serve genuinely and voluntarily. We not need to serve for honor, awards, recognition and etc. but we are serving because it's our own way to say THANK YOU. "THANK YOU LORD FOR ALLOWING ME TO LIVE WITH A PURPOSE (MISSION)".
Lastly, God delays are not God's denials. Today I just received the letter regarding my AYLC application and I passed the two screenings and I am now heading to the interview on the 24th. This is what I want to achieve when I was still in second year when I met an AYLC alumni member during the first TPSLC that I have attended last 2010. I thank God for always answering my prayers and the prayers of the people who are supporting me all through out.
Not only that, I got my letter to the President's office around 2 pm and as I read the letter there is a hand written note in the letter...It was one of the sweetest and humble note that I have ever read. The note was written by Sister Nilda. "Congratulations! We are proud of you! This is another feather on your cap! More Blessings!
It was very humbling that the President of the University is really proud of me in representing our school. I was really happy to receive this kind of note and I was motivated to give my best not only for my family, school but also for God. Anyway, all the achievements that I got this year is because of GOD. THIS IS FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF THE LORD.
What a beautiful day I have. Lord, thank you for the wonderful blessings in life. Please grant my prayer to be one of the top 80 students who will join the 2012 AYLC on February. Please guide also my parents to be strong in facing dificulties in life and please bless also those people who supported me in all these achievements in life. Lord please grant all our request.Help us to become a blessing to other people. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
It was really hard accepting the fact that I got a low grade...
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I got 3 in my advert class... hahaha |
There's one subject that I really failed but I don't know why it happened... Hmm... But I will run after it... I mean I need to fix it. If I will not fix it, I will take it again and the failing grade will be reflected and seen in my transcript.
Anyway, It was really hard to accept the fact that I got a low grade in our advert class. Perhaps, my classmates reported in the peer evaluation that I never helped them out in our final output for the course... If I can only turn back the time I will really help them in shooting and video editing but due to time constraint and fixing lots of requirements for the abroad thingy... I failed to help them in shooting and in editing the footages. But I helped them in the pre-production. I was the one insisted to organized the things that we need to do before having the shooting. Well, the grade was already given and it was already forwarded to the registrar. So what can I do? --- I CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT... I just need to accept the grade and move on.
I don't have any hard feelings to my professor and to my groupmates. I'm still happy because of learning new lessons in this so called TRAGIC MOMENT OF MY LIFE AS A STUDENT hehehe... I've learned that we must me accountable and accept the consequences in the path that we have chosen in our life. In my case, I have chosen the path of going abroad to represent our school and our country by giving up some academic requirements that I need to do. I GAVE UP FINAL EXAMS IN EXCHANGE TO GO TO FORUMS AND CONFERENCES. It was really hard to choose. I don't want to let go the opportunities to meet new people around the globe and to learn new things that I can not learn inside the classroom. Representing our school and the country is a priceless award...Though I got a low grade, I'm still happy and blessed because God allow me to expereince these things.
Okay, time to let go and to move on. There are three semesters left and these are opportunities to give my best and to show to them that I don't deserve a low grade. I'm motivated and never discouraged to study hard and to give my best in all my courses... :)
Monday, November 7, 2011
End of my semestral vacation is finally here!
Today is the end of my semestral break vacation. It means that I will receive my daily school allowance again! (Yahoo!)
As I end my vacation, I can feel sadness in my heart. Why? Beacuse my time to social media will be limited and I need now to focus once again to my academics. My time will be controlled by doing academic requirements and etc.
What other significant events that had happened today? Hmm... I went to my doctor's clinic for a check up. I've been coughing for almost 5 days and until now I am not getting well. I have decided to go to the doctor because on November 12, 2011 at 5 in the afternoon I'll be flying back to Europe for the second time around for the Global Youth Summit. I want to attend the summit without any sickness in my body. So, as a result of going tothe doctor...I'll be taking two medicines. I'll take one medicine twice a dayand the other is thrice a day.
Another memorable event that had happened today was, I accompanied my mom in buying goods and my cousin's assignment in the market and in a Chinese store. We bought fruits, salted eggs and vegetables in the market while playing cards, staple wires and staple in the Chinese store. I suugeted to my mom to buy what my cousin is needing for her class in the Chinese store because the goods are much cheaper there.
After that we went to the groceries store to buy what we need in our sari-sari store. Then I bought news paper to check the latest news ( but it was flopped to buy news paper at 5pm hahaha) and I saw my schoolmate(the President of IT society). After buying the PDI, I and my mom went home and ride in front seats of the jeepney and we reach our home around 5:35 pm. I immediately opened the television and watch the local news.
Now, I'm making ablog of what had happned to the last of my semestral break. I hope that our school's second semester will be full of blessings, more fun and I hope to learn new things that I can apply to my daily life and could impart to other people. The long haul vacation gave me new lessons in my life--- COUNT AND SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS.
God bless you all and excited to what lies ahead... :)
As I end my vacation, I can feel sadness in my heart. Why? Beacuse my time to social media will be limited and I need now to focus once again to my academics. My time will be controlled by doing academic requirements and etc.
What other significant events that had happened today? Hmm... I went to my doctor's clinic for a check up. I've been coughing for almost 5 days and until now I am not getting well. I have decided to go to the doctor because on November 12, 2011 at 5 in the afternoon I'll be flying back to Europe for the second time around for the Global Youth Summit. I want to attend the summit without any sickness in my body. So, as a result of going tothe doctor...I'll be taking two medicines. I'll take one medicine twice a dayand the other is thrice a day.
Another memorable event that had happened today was, I accompanied my mom in buying goods and my cousin's assignment in the market and in a Chinese store. We bought fruits, salted eggs and vegetables in the market while playing cards, staple wires and staple in the Chinese store. I suugeted to my mom to buy what my cousin is needing for her class in the Chinese store because the goods are much cheaper there.
After that we went to the groceries store to buy what we need in our sari-sari store. Then I bought news paper to check the latest news ( but it was flopped to buy news paper at 5pm hahaha) and I saw my schoolmate(the President of IT society). After buying the PDI, I and my mom went home and ride in front seats of the jeepney and we reach our home around 5:35 pm. I immediately opened the television and watch the local news.
Now, I'm making ablog of what had happned to the last of my semestral break. I hope that our school's second semester will be full of blessings, more fun and I hope to learn new things that I can apply to my daily life and could impart to other people. The long haul vacation gave me new lessons in my life--- COUNT AND SHARE YOUR BLESSINGS.
God bless you all and excited to what lies ahead... :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
While writing this blog, I really don't know what I'm feeling right now. I am not inlove nor sad. I just feel that I need something that until now I dont know what I am longing for. May be this is the result of not attending masses for two weeks.
I am used to attend and hear Holy Mass every week. I feel so weak if I never go to church to listen to God's words. I really want to reflect, to pray and to talk to my God.
My heart is numb. I don't know why? So I asked my self: "Hey, Cris! Are you not happy that God have given you lots of blessings this year? Please do remember that God blessed you to bless other people but it seems that you forgot to share your blessings to toher people. Please reflect now. God might get all what have you received if you don't know how to share and to inspire other.
Am I getting selfish? Am I getting boasful? Am I not happy for the blessings that I have received this year?
I'm happy with all the blessings that God have given tome. What I want to know is why my heart is getting numb? I can not feel the joyness in my heart. I'm longing for something that will make my heart listen to other's desire. I mean, I'm craving for nourshments. My heart is thristy of God's words. I'm really longing for God. What I want is God now.
I have realized that sometimes if we just focus our self in the blessings that we want in our life, it might make us far away from God. Blessings might make us blind. BLIND! BLIND! BLIND!
Blindness can turn us selfish, boastful or arrogant. There's also a time that will forget the main reason why God blessed us. Reasons to share, motivate and inspire. Though you can say to your self that you are still working to live out those reasons but still there will be a time that you are just working not because of your passion but an obligation.
Well, until now my heart is numb. I want my heart to be back from it's old status. A joyful and nourished heart.
Lord God, I know that I forget the main reason why have you blessed me so much this year. Please help me to softened my heart, nourished it and be active again in serving opther people around me. I'm very sorry if I became blind of the blessings that you have given me that made me selfish. Help me to be humble and selfless again Amen.
I am used to attend and hear Holy Mass every week. I feel so weak if I never go to church to listen to God's words. I really want to reflect, to pray and to talk to my God.
My heart is numb. I don't know why? So I asked my self: "Hey, Cris! Are you not happy that God have given you lots of blessings this year? Please do remember that God blessed you to bless other people but it seems that you forgot to share your blessings to toher people. Please reflect now. God might get all what have you received if you don't know how to share and to inspire other.
Am I getting selfish? Am I getting boasful? Am I not happy for the blessings that I have received this year?
I'm happy with all the blessings that God have given tome. What I want to know is why my heart is getting numb? I can not feel the joyness in my heart. I'm longing for something that will make my heart listen to other's desire. I mean, I'm craving for nourshments. My heart is thristy of God's words. I'm really longing for God. What I want is God now.
I have realized that sometimes if we just focus our self in the blessings that we want in our life, it might make us far away from God. Blessings might make us blind. BLIND! BLIND! BLIND!
Blindness can turn us selfish, boastful or arrogant. There's also a time that will forget the main reason why God blessed us. Reasons to share, motivate and inspire. Though you can say to your self that you are still working to live out those reasons but still there will be a time that you are just working not because of your passion but an obligation.
Well, until now my heart is numb. I want my heart to be back from it's old status. A joyful and nourished heart.
Lord God, I know that I forget the main reason why have you blessed me so much this year. Please help me to softened my heart, nourished it and be active again in serving opther people around me. I'm very sorry if I became blind of the blessings that you have given me that made me selfish. Help me to be humble and selfless again Amen.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I'm lazy and I don't want to go to school...
"Today I don't feel like doing anything...nanananana..."
I feel so lazy... I have this feeling since last three weeks. After I have receive messages that I have failed some of my courses then I feel so lazy and unmotivated to go to school.
"What's the point of going to school if I have failed my majour courses?" This is what I am telling to my self after knowing that I failed my courses! Tsk.
Well, after all it's my own fault. Hmm,is it really my fault? I don't think so. What I know is that I have given my best to all the requirements that I need to submit it just happen that I really need to go to Korea to attend a forum. A forum that will help me to increase my awareness about the situation of the environment and will increase my confidence in meeting young people around the world. Is it worthy to go to Korea in exchange of my academics? I can say YES, because it helped me to improve my personality, my knowledge on international relations and environment protection.
Although I have gained important experiences that I can use inmy life, I am still depressed with what had happened to my grades. It was my second time to experience getting lower grades in my entire university life.
All I want to do now is to ease the depression. I want to enjoy and just to finish my major. I felt bad because my dream to become an academic awardee in my graduation on 2013 already popped out. I don't have any chance to become cumlaude. So, what I'm doing now is praying to God to help me to move on and be optimistic with what had happened to my life as a university student.
It's not yet the end of everything. I will continue to study hard (even if some of the professors have favoritism... hahaha). I will continue to strive hard and to aim high. As what I ahve promised to my self before, NEVER GIVE UP!
I need to be motivated to go to school next week. Nah nah nah nah....
I feel so lazy... I have this feeling since last three weeks. After I have receive messages that I have failed some of my courses then I feel so lazy and unmotivated to go to school.
"What's the point of going to school if I have failed my majour courses?" This is what I am telling to my self after knowing that I failed my courses! Tsk.
Well, after all it's my own fault. Hmm,is it really my fault? I don't think so. What I know is that I have given my best to all the requirements that I need to submit it just happen that I really need to go to Korea to attend a forum. A forum that will help me to increase my awareness about the situation of the environment and will increase my confidence in meeting young people around the world. Is it worthy to go to Korea in exchange of my academics? I can say YES, because it helped me to improve my personality, my knowledge on international relations and environment protection.
Although I have gained important experiences that I can use inmy life, I am still depressed with what had happened to my grades. It was my second time to experience getting lower grades in my entire university life.
All I want to do now is to ease the depression. I want to enjoy and just to finish my major. I felt bad because my dream to become an academic awardee in my graduation on 2013 already popped out. I don't have any chance to become cumlaude. So, what I'm doing now is praying to God to help me to move on and be optimistic with what had happened to my life as a university student.
It's not yet the end of everything. I will continue to study hard (even if some of the professors have favoritism... hahaha). I will continue to strive hard and to aim high. As what I ahve promised to my self before, NEVER GIVE UP!
I need to be motivated to go to school next week. Nah nah nah nah....
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fraustrated writer...
Finally, after five months of not writing a blog I am here again and motivated to write.
How's my life after five months? Before I have left this blog last May. My last post was all about my project for the Bayer Young Environmental Envoys 2011. I am happy to tell you that I was chosen to be one of the top 4 BYEE 2011 and I was sent to Germany for a study tour that was held last October 16-21, 2011.
Prior to my tirp in Germany I was also chosen as one of the regional ambassador of Tunza Eco-Generation website to South East Asia. This year was really a blast. As a regional ambassador I have joined an essay competition and luckily my essay was chosen. The prize is a free trip in South Korea to join the UNEP UEA youth forum. O' wait another blessing that came into my life was, I was also chosen as one of the delegates for the 2011 Global Youth Summit organized by the British Council. I'm heading to London on November 12, 2011.
Okay! I think I am sharing so much about the blessings that I have received in the second quarter of this year. By the way, I really thanking God for blessing me and my family. He was the one who gave me all the blessings in my life. THANK YOU LORD! Those blessings I mentioned above changed my life's perception as a student. Back to the the title of my blog, it's all about fraustrated writer. O' yes! I am a fraustrated writer. I want to bring back my passion in writing. Though, I admit that I'm not really good in English but still I want to bring back my passion in writing.
When I was still in high school I really love to write poems in Filipino, short articles in English and even news articles. From second year to fourth year I'm very active in our school paper. I was a literary writer and associate editor before (Does it sound interesting?). Writing was part of my high school life. When I stepped into college, my passion in writing was totally gone. It was diminished due to my laziness- both in reading and writing. I forgot to put into practice my writing skills during my first yearruntil the first half of my third year in the university. ( Now, I'm in regret that I get lazy and tired in writing. Tsk!)
Now I'm really want to revive my passion. I was really inspired by my friends who work as a journalist in university and print media.
Now I'm running out of words to share. ALL I WANT IS TO WRITE AGAIN...Take note, I'm a fraustrated writer. hahaha
How's my life after five months? Before I have left this blog last May. My last post was all about my project for the Bayer Young Environmental Envoys 2011. I am happy to tell you that I was chosen to be one of the top 4 BYEE 2011 and I was sent to Germany for a study tour that was held last October 16-21, 2011.
Prior to my tirp in Germany I was also chosen as one of the regional ambassador of Tunza Eco-Generation website to South East Asia. This year was really a blast. As a regional ambassador I have joined an essay competition and luckily my essay was chosen. The prize is a free trip in South Korea to join the UNEP UEA youth forum. O' wait another blessing that came into my life was, I was also chosen as one of the delegates for the 2011 Global Youth Summit organized by the British Council. I'm heading to London on November 12, 2011.
Okay! I think I am sharing so much about the blessings that I have received in the second quarter of this year. By the way, I really thanking God for blessing me and my family. He was the one who gave me all the blessings in my life. THANK YOU LORD! Those blessings I mentioned above changed my life's perception as a student. Back to the the title of my blog, it's all about fraustrated writer. O' yes! I am a fraustrated writer. I want to bring back my passion in writing. Though, I admit that I'm not really good in English but still I want to bring back my passion in writing.
When I was still in high school I really love to write poems in Filipino, short articles in English and even news articles. From second year to fourth year I'm very active in our school paper. I was a literary writer and associate editor before (Does it sound interesting?). Writing was part of my high school life. When I stepped into college, my passion in writing was totally gone. It was diminished due to my laziness- both in reading and writing. I forgot to put into practice my writing skills during my first yearruntil the first half of my third year in the university. ( Now, I'm in regret that I get lazy and tired in writing. Tsk!)
Now I'm really want to revive my passion. I was really inspired by my friends who work as a journalist in university and print media.
Now I'm running out of words to share. ALL I WANT IS TO WRITE AGAIN...Take note, I'm a fraustrated writer. hahaha
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